Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace. - Buddha


By Christopher Montgomery

INTRODUCTION: If you are reading this there is a good chance you may have been exposed to something potentially harmful. Medical intervention should be sought through appropriate civilian agencies immediately. This course of action may not be possible in light of an even bigger problem and that is that situations of this nature are not being addressed by modern medical science (e.g. Abductees in the Wrentham case presented disruption in the dermal and subcutaneous layers of their skin). Therefore contacting the Centers for Disease Control may not be the answer. You may consider contacting your nearest military base for guidance. In any case, seek medical professionals trained to handle Nuclear, Biological or Chemical material safely.



Ignorance and a total disregard for individuals claiming contact with creatures not of our world should not be tolerated in light of current research that suggests that many of civilization's pandemic from disease organisms may have originated from space. Evidence of disease organisms introduced by an extraterrestrial source should be considered potentially lethal for the human population of earth. Ebola virus may be one such disease organism that is thought to be contained in tree rings and was rapidly introduced into our world after the deforestation of remote areas in Africa. That is where the disease had been discovered and subsequently isolated. Immunity to such organisms may not be possible by virtue of the fact that these particularly lethal viral and bacterial organisms may have been introduced long before people inhabited our planet.



Effective decontamination of people claiming exposure should begin as early as possible, especially in situations like the Wrentham Mass case. This can be accomplished by a thorough wash down with anti-microbe effective soap and water. Wastewater should be treated with bleach or other anti-microbial agent. Effective decontamination of articles can be accomplished by boiling contaminated articles in water for 30 minutes or longer. Chlorine bleach is ineffective in destroying spores and vegetative cells on surfaces, though formaldehyde is effective. Burning clothing is very effective in destroying spores but not recommended for all types and cases of exposure such as nuclear contamination where burning would make the radiated material airborne and breathable. When the organism or germ cannot be identified isolation is indicated. Permanent entombment of said articles should be clearly marked and treated as a level-5 biohazard. Before, during and after decontamination, isolation of persons in contact with possible ET disease organisms should be enforced.


TRIAGE: Proposed medical intervention: Triage the victims. Consider all forms of exposure both known as well as unknown. Contact with NBC agents must be taken into considered. A complete blood work is indicated including tox screens. 24-hour observation is warranted and periodic checks by visual or video surveillance would be recommended especially in cases dealing with unknown variants.


TREATMENT: Early antibiotic treatment of the patient is essential—delay seriously lessens chances for survival. Treatment for infection should begin at once. All types of microbes should be considered. If such infections are indicated, a blanket treatment with both gram positive and gram negative anti-biotic. That includes large doses of intravenous and oral antibiotics, such as fluoroquinolones, like ciprofloxacin (cipro), doxycycline, erythromycin, vancomycin or penicillin. An early antibiotic prophylaxis treatment is crucial to prevent possible death. New and revolutionary treatments for viral infections are coming online now and seem to be effective in treating microbes of this nature.


OTHER MEASURES: Full isolation of the body is important to prevent possible contamination of others. Protective, impermeable clothing and equipment such as rubber gloves, rubber apron, and rubber boots with no perforations should be used when handling the body. No skin, especially if it has any wounds or scratches, should be exposed. Disposable personal protective equipment is preferable, but if not available, decontamination can be achieved by autoclaving. Disposable personal protective equipment and filters should be autoclaved, and/or burned and buried but as I said before may not be wise in some cases.

Bacillus may range from 0.5-5.0 μm in size. Anyone working with bacterium in a suspected or confirmed victim should wear respiratory equipment capable of filtering this size of particle or smaller. The US National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) approved high efficiency-respirator, such as a half-face disposable respirator with a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter, is recommended. All possibly contaminated bedding or clothing should be isolated in double plastic bags and treated as possible biohazard waste. The victim should be sealed in an airtight body bag. Dead victims that are opened and not burned may provide an ideal source of spores. Cremating victims is the preferred way of handling body disposal with sporatizoa but not with other contagion. No embalming or autopsy should be attempted without a fully equipped biohazard lab and trained and knowledgeable personnel.



Blanket measures are indicated for unknown contaminants. For example, spore can survive for long periods of time in the environment after release. Methods for cleaning contaminated sites vary, but commonly use oxidizing agents such as peroxides; ethylene oxide, Sandia Foam, [18] chlorine and liquid bleach products containing sodium hypochlorite may be effective. These agents slowly destroy bacterial spores. A bleach solution for treating hard surfaces has been approved by the EPA. [19] It can be prepared by mixing one part bleach (5.25%-6.00%) to one part white vinegar to eight parts water. Bleach and vinegar must not be combined together directly, as doing so could produce chlorine gas. Rather some water must first be added to the bleach (e.g., two cups water to one cup of bleach), then vinegar (e.g., one cup), and then the rest of the water (e.g., six cups). The pH of the solution should be tested with a paper test strip; and treated surfaces must remain in contact with the bleach solution for 60 minutes (repeated applications will be necessary to keep the surfaces wet).

Chlorine dioxide has emerged as the preferred biocide against spore-contaminated sites. Its chief drawback is the need for in situ processes to have the reactant on demand. To speed the process, trace amounts of a non-toxic catalyst composed of iron and tetro-amido macrocyclic ligands are combined with sodium carbonate and bicarbonate and converted into a spray. The spray formula is applied to an infested area and is followed by another spray containing tertiary-butyl hydroperoxide.

Using the catalyst method, a complete destruction of all types of spores takes 30 minutes. [A standard catalyst-free spray destroys fewer than half the spores in the same amount of time. They can be heated, exposed to the harshest chemicals, and they do not easily die.

(Information from a variety of sources was used as research in this document).

Additional resources:
SOURCE: uforc.com\database\EBE-DECON_082508-Montgomery.htm
originally published on August 25, 2008



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This page was updated on 09/12/14